Mainly because the current staff are incompetant. Let's go over some things, shall we?
Note that 4 former staff and 1 active have taken part in this writing, either directly or indirectly. Our main goal of this is to make the current staff and the admins see that some things really need changing.
Problem 1: Feenixes and Atha (the backbone to the whole thing) are MIA which leaves Danut (A Network/Sys Admin) in charge. Now I have nothing against Danut, he just really seems to have no idea what he's doing and may even be a bit power hungry.
Problem 2: The current staff (and trust me, I personally have seen a lot of them over the years) seem to have an affinity for helping their friends and leaving the rest to figure things out on their own. For exmaple, certain guilds on warsong get doors opened for them by GM's (as they have them in guild or on Skype).
Problem 3: Certain "key players" in the staff can get away with just about anything they desire. For example, Voldemort, whom is Namreeb, was reported for flyhacking. The random alt of his was banned, for a few days, but the reporter, lifetime on all characters/accounts he had (they do have another reason for this though, however, very questionable.)
Problem 4: Ex-GM's that abused things and where banned are still actively playing, a few of them, still with the gold or items they gave themselves.
That's enough of the minimal problems, let's go over some secrets.
Staff Players
Cohani - TBC Player
Mardant - Flymyass (he was given Thunderfury for GM)
Vidotrieth - Warsong, he has multiple T2+ geared characters that where given to him.
Database - Soge
Voldemort - Namreeb
Paid Staff
Some staff are paid this includes/included Sideways, Danut, Database, Voldemort (not 100%, but likely), and Claudian. These members of the staff are employee's, not volunteers like GM's or Testers. As such you would think they should be held to a higher standard of abuse whereas they can really do whatever they like. Don't fail to forget, friends, that making a profit from a private World of Warcraft server and paying wages under donations is considered a felony in every country that Blizzard has a headquarters. This includes the Netherlands, OH MY!
A lot of the developers and testers never actually played the game. Primarily devs which are hired freelance to fix things but have no idea what's broken. Secondary is the testers which a lot of them know what they are talking about but a majority missed out of the vanilla or tbc experience respectively. Basically, the people fixing things don't even really know what's broken.
Naxx (Warsong)
Little needs to be said of this. Let's just say 4 of the 5 of us writing this have been put under the impression that it is not intended to be finished. You can go on suspecting what you suspect but it's safe to say there is a 80% chance it won't. In my honest opinion, I think they are dragging it out to keep people raiding.
Most Warsong players will know something about this, Aduro was perm banned for having Corrupted Ash before most guilds we're really even into Naxx. How did he get it? A Chinese hacker had given one of Aduro's friends (Gilmoregirls) the "Death Touch" spell which kills anything instantly, he killed 4HM for Aduro. What you don't know is that Aduro was the only one really punished when he was the last line of abuse. Gilmoregirls and the Chinese hacker still both actively play.
Akensai was a GM for a long time, he ragequit. He should probably be writing this one himself but I think he doesn't like speaking of himself much. Anyways, our friend Akensai left the staff after a hacker got into his bank with all his gold and had a field day, you'd think being a part of the team he would be able to do something, nope he was left in the dark. Ironically his bank account no longer exists in any logs and there was no evidence of a hacker, rather someone with access to commands. His claims where ignored even though he had tracked it as well as the recent (at the time) account hacks where someone would get on and take the gold then proceed to play the hacked account for a few days before the password was set back. Guess who the person was? The same one mentioned above, the chinese hacker and or Gilmoregirls.
Everyone knows Claudian but not everyone knows that he was FIRED as the manager for being sick in hospital for 2 days due to an allergic reaction. He was fired immediately upon his return with no severence, no notice and the administration have refused to speak to him since then. That's illegal! Doesn't matter, it's a dictatorship anyways.
Some of you may remember him as telling you to go fuck yourself in appeals for a few months. He was removed from staff after giving himself and his wife countless amounts of gold and items across multiple alts on the TBC server. Don't worry though, his main was banned. He still has all his alt's and their items though!
Namreeb is Voldemort, although most of you seem to know that already some way or another. What you don't know about him is all those alts of his where given to him by the staff in return for development work. You may remember that he was king multiboxer soloing raids by himself, the application he was using to do this is his own application which is basically a giant bot. Basically, the feenix staff allowed him to write and test this monster hack on their servers among their players and even more so allowed him to keep the loot he farmed with it. Aside from that he's the head dev for Warsong and the writer of the infamous anti-cheat. Then why is it that he himself was screenshotted flyhacking? I guess now you know why Winning was banned, oops!
Stories like this go on and on, they are only the more recent.
After everyone knows all this, the staff we mentioned will likely be renamed and everyone will be told they where removed.
As you can tell by what's written here, a lot of us of the former staff as well as a few active one's are quite ticked off with how it's all turned out. The only one out of the bunch that really does anything correctly is Sideways but he also seems to only do the bare minimum to keep getting his paycheck.
To those of you thinking "Yeah but it's a populated server, I don't care.". I heard that Molten-WoW is launching a vanilla 100% blizzlike with pathing and all here in the near future. May be something to look forward to.